The Grundrisse


The Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy
Karl Marx

Nota do Editor

"Grundrisse" occupies a pivotal place in Marx's career, it also offers a unique picture of his methods of work. The work consists of seven notebooks on capital and on money. Drafted during the winter of 1857-8, Marx first explored the themes and thesis that dominate his later writings. It is here that Marx sets out his own version of Hegel's "Dialectics", developed his mature views on labour, surplus value and profit and offered many fresh insights into alienation, automation, the restrictions of personality and recurrent economic crises produced by capitalism.

Links de referência

Grundrisse on-line (em inglês)

Outras Informações

Editora: Penguin
ISBN: 0-14-044575-7
Nº de Páginas: 904
Ano da 1ª Edição: 1939-41

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Da mesma editora que editou o livro sobre "A génese e a estrutura do Capital de Marx", vai haver uma tradução dos
Grundrisse - 2 volumes
Karl Marx
A editora é brasileira e chama-se "Contraponto". Tem um Link aqui no Blog.